Markets Screen Overview
Last updated
Markets Screen Overview
Last updated
On the Markets screen, you can:
View Protocol Statistics: Get a comprehensive overview of the total market size, available liquidity, and total borrowed assets across the Aqualoan protocol.
Explore Individual Markets: Click on any asset logo to dive deeper into specific market details, including:
Granular statistics on supply and borrow rates.
Options to supply or borrow the selected asset.
Check APY/APR Rates: The displayed APY/APR rates indicate the following:
Supply APY: This is the annual percentage yield earned by users when supplying assets. This rate dynamically changes based on the demand in the market.
Borrow APY: The annual percentage yield borrowers pay for borrowing assets from the protocol.
A-tokens for Suppliers: When you supply assets, you receive A-tokens in return. These are interest-accruing tokens that represent your deposit in the liquidity pool.
How A-tokens Work: A-tokens automatically increase in value over time based on the supply rate, allowing your balance to grow seamlessly.
You can redeem A-tokens at any time for the underlying asset, including all accrued interest.
Borrowing Mechanics: Borrowers can access liquidity by paying the Borrow APY and providing collateral. The interest paid by borrowers contributes to the protocol’s overall supply rates.